4 years ago
Patch 6.3

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This list is bassically a guide to scale up Ranks from Bronze to Platinum V. The meta on platinum doesnt change to much, but those little differences make a lot of impact, so, I do not recommend use this Tierlist above Gold I.

Its pretty simple, on Bronze, Silver and Gold, EVERYBODY IS TRASH, nobody cares, everyone is trolling, nobody respects his role, you will se A LOT of players who only play 1 GOD, and they put that GOD en each roll game gives him, most LOKI MAINS, you will see a lot LOKIS ADC, LOKI MID, LOKI SUPP, etc.

So, if you want to win ANY game, you will need to HARD CARRY the game, that means bassically win the game by yourself, regardless your useless team.

But there are TWO MAIN PROBLEMS.

1.- Obviously on the enemy team there will be another HARD CARRY most of the times, thats why I made this guide, to help people to counter this fact.
2.- DOBLE QUEUE. This is the hardest thing to fight against, and most of your games will be like this.

To counter the FIRST point I made, you want to ban every single god on the S- Tier and above, i'll explain that later.

To counter double QUEUE follow the guide, but the most important thing. You need to recognize the TWO PLAYERS on the enemy team, and always be aware of the roles they are playing, for example: A jungle and a mid, these two gonna protect each other, so the enemy jungler will be always looking and protecting mid lane, you can exploit that, if you are a Jungle, you can abuse enemy Dual Lane, ganking and warding, because enemy jungle will be always close to the mid, the same example apply to any roll, most of times a DOUBLE QUEUE will be a MID/JUNGLE or an ADC/SUPP, so once you identify where is the double queue, you are halfway there. They gonna rotate always together, so, when one of them dissapears from minimap, they will be together rotating in the jungle or doing some objective.
When you learn this, your game I.Q will improve a lot and decisions you make will be more accurate, this gonna help you team a lot, to guide them when to push, when to defend, when to gank.

Now, the gods, If you wanna rank up, you need to ASUME that you team is trash, even when most of times its a coin toss, 50% of times will suck, 50% times you will got a decent team, but whatever the case, YOU NEED THE RIGHT MENTALITY. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING HERE, YOU PATIENCE AND YOU WILLPOWER, you need to have a really calm state of mind, because, THERE IS A LOT OF TOXICITY, you will to accept:
- Nobody is warding
- Nobody its calling plays
- Zero communication
- Nobody is rotating to help
- Everyone is spaming pings like crazy
- Everyone is spamming VGS, YOU ROCK, CANCEL THAT.
- If anyone use voice chat, is just to start insulting and yelling
- Even when you are hard carrying your team, you gotta get blaimed for every dead, every objetive lost, etc.

So, you need to know that SMITE is the most toxic community by far, and thats because HIREZ doenst give a F about it, nobody gets banned. I do not recommend MUTE, because you will miss some value information there, just ignore all the toxicity, thats why MENTAL STRENGHT is everything on this game.

To hard carry, you wan to be always a JUNGLE, and you want to be a jungle who burst enemies, thats why you will see a lot of GOOD Junglers on low tier here, you dont want the top competitive tier jungle here, like Thor, you want the most easy, fastest and burst jungle you can pick.

When you are not jungling, you want to be MID, because this way you can abuse the enemy mid lane if you do your job well, you will see every rotation and gank happening from enemy team. You need to ward a lot as a Mid laner, dont be shy to purchase a Chalice of wards when you get some extra money, you want to have mid lane warded most of time.

If you are not conffortable on MID, you can go SUPP or SOLO, and build TANK all the time, in fact I Bealive you can hard carry the game as some GODS, just TANKING ALL THE DMG AND APLLYING A LOT OF CC, for this JOB KUMBA is the most OP god, but it will be banned most of games, if not banned, picked on enemy team, also you want to ban him if you are not first picking, but here are a some alternativesl


Most of warriors do the job well, just remember DO NOT BUILD DMG, just build hyper tank, and CC.

ADC CARRY ironcally, is the worst roll to carry a game this seasson, you want to avoid be a carry all the times, as an ADC you depend a LOT of your tank and jungler, so, even if you are an excelent ADC, if you got ganked a lot of times, you dont have any peel and your guardian sucks, you gonna get destroyed.
You want an ADC who can scape like Hou yi, and your job is focus on survive each team fight, taking the structures and objectives, but the most important thing DO NOT PUSH ALONE, the most common and stupid thing to do as a carry is pushing a minion wave by yourself on one lane, while your team is on a fight, you will take the tower, but at the cost of lost a teamfight and most of the cases, also your own towers, objectives and the game.


Heimdallr Heimdallr
The most broken thing ever created, even with the incoming nerfs, he gonna stand on S at least



Kumbhakarna Kumbhakarna
Pele Pele
Arachne Arachne
Hera Hera
Freya Freya

These are the gods wich you always gonna first pick or ban.


Kali Kali
Bakasura Bakasura
He Bo He Bo
Kukulkan Kukulkan
Poseidon Poseidon
Thanatos Thanatos
Chaac Chaac
Geb Geb
Jormungandr Jormungandr
Bellona Bellona
Tyr Tyr
Kuzenbo Kuzenbo
Mercury Mercury
These GODS can carry a game.


Anubis Anubis
Zeus Zeus
Hades Hades
Vamana Vamana
Ares Ares
Athena Athena
Awilix Awilix
Hou Yi Hou Yi
Olorun Olorun
Cerberus Cerberus
Camazotz Camazotz
Hercules Hercules
This gods can abuse on his respective rol, but hardly can carry by itself, for example, as Anubis, you can abuse mid lane, won that lane under 10 minutes, but if your team sucks, you gonna lost 100%, you depend a lot of your team8.


Bacchus Bacchus
Cupid Cupid
Vulcan Vulcan
Neith Neith
Apollo Apollo
Ao Kuang Ao Kuang
Skadi Skadi
Yemoja Yemoja
Achilles Achilles
Artio Artio
Eset Eset
Fenrir Fenrir
Amaterasu Amaterasu
Zhong Kui Zhong Kui
Erlang Shen Erlang Shen
All these gods are good picks, you can perform well, but its almost impossible to carry the game.


Sobek Sobek
Sun Wukong Sun Wukong
Cu Chulainn Cu Chulainn
Medusa Medusa
King Arthur King Arthur
Chernobog Chernobog
Chronos Chronos
Ganesha Ganesha
Cernunnos Cernunnos
The Morrigan The Morrigan
Ratatoskr Ratatoskr
These gods perform well, just that.


Serqet Serqet
Artemis Artemis
Hachiman Hachiman
Chang'e Chang'e
Raijin Raijin
Discordia Discordia
Jing Wei Jing Wei
Anhur Anhur
Thor Thor
Ra Ra
Ullr Ullr
Janus Janus
Baron Samedi Baron Samedi
Set Set
Merlin Merlin
Chiron Chiron
Cabrakan Cabrakan
Osiris Osiris
Sol Sol
Rama Rama
Ah Puch Ah Puch
Ravana Ravana
Khepri Khepri
Xing Tian Xing Tian
Da Ji Da Ji
Horus Horus
Susano Susano

The neutral line, these are not bad, you can see some gods here perform well, but they are picked a lot, so you gona see underpferm as well.


Persephone Persephone
Aphrodite Aphrodite
Ymir Ymir
Nu Wa Nu Wa
Sylvanus Sylvanus
Xbalanque Xbalanque
Guan Yu Guan Yu
Fafnir Fafnir
Hun Batz Hun Batz
Bastet Bastet
Ah Muzen Cab Ah Muzen Cab
Hel Hel
Thoth Thoth
Agni Agni
Ne Zha Ne Zha
Izanami Izanami
Nemesis Nemesis
Terra Terra
Odin Odin
Nox Nox
Nike Nike
Scylla Scylla

Avoid these gods, maybe you are screwed if you have it on your team, most people will build wrong with these gods.
You gonna see Ymir going full dmg, Aphrodite/Hel support build like mid lane, Loki full dmg as Solo laner or support, and every weird thing you can imagine. Some are pretty decent gods, like Xba but they are not enough to hard carry, and as I said before, they gonna got build wrong, so when you see any of this on enemy team, you know taht probably that player has no idea of what is he doing.


Loki Loki
Unranked Champions
23 Champions
Mulan Mulan
Baba Yaga Baba Yaga
Cthulhu Cthulhu
Tsukuyomi Tsukuyomi
Danzaburou Danzaburou
Tiamat Tiamat
Gilgamesh Gilgamesh
Morgan Le Fay Morgan Le Fay
Charybdis Charybdis
Cliodhna Cliodhna
Atlas Atlas
Shiva Shiva
Yu Huang Yu Huang
Lancelot Lancelot
Ishtar Ishtar
Maui Maui
Surtr Surtr
Martichoras Martichoras
Ix Chel Ix Chel
Charon Charon
Maman Brigitte Maman Brigitte
Bake Kujira Bake Kujira
Nut Nut