JacksBeanstalk - Unknown
This tierlist is for patch 11.4 Ranked Conquest (Plat 5 to Plat 1). I base my ranking on 5 things.
1st is what I personally see in my ranked games.
2nd I look at reddit and to get an idea about how the community feels about certain gods/goddesses that are performing really well
3rd I look at what gods/goddesses are being picked/banned and win rates on Smite-Master.com
4th Some gods/goddesses will perform better based on player skill so I try to be objective on the ranks and base them solely on how they perform with average play.
5th Items and the current META can affect some gods/goddesses rankings so that is something I will take into consideration as well
Finally this tierlist is of course my personal opinion you may feel different about certain rankings and that is fine.
Broken/Unstoppable Tier
This Tier is for any character that is an auto win for your team if they are picked. There are currently no characters in this Tier.
Best Tier
This Tier is for the current best characters in the game. Theses characters are usually banned or picked first because how strong they are. They can easily carry a game even with a team that is struggling.
Kali - So the only reason Kali is up this high is because of how current items really favor AA gods/goddesses right now. Kali is able to hard carry late game and her early game isn't all that terrible. Kali has always been a late game hyper carry but she would struggle to get there sometimes and with how snowballing was she could sometimes never reach that level. With this META and itemization Kali has an easier time getting to that full potential and she can easily wipe a team and push to kill the Titan no matter how far behind her team is. What gives Kali the edge over Bakasura and Arachne for me is Kali's ult and passive.
Thor - Thor might be the best god in the entire game right now. He can play both jungle and solo lane really well. In the jungle his rotations are just unmatched because of his mobility and his ganks are always really effective. He can really control a whole game if he is left unchecked and it is so hard to keep him in check right now. He doesn't have very many counters and the few he does just aren't good picks right now. Thor can also be good in the solo lane. He may not win lane right now because it is an AA META in solo but he can survive long enough to be impactful late game. Overall if you can get Thor on your team you give yourself a great chance at winning.
Thanatos - Thanatos use to be the best jungler you could pick for the past 4 patches. He still is a really good pick and it is debatable that he could be the best. I personally think that Thor and Loki are better. So what makes Thanatos so good? Well he has a really strong early game that he can snowball from and just be a problem the rest of the game. Even if he is struggling early he still has his execute to fall back on late game. His execute is the best of the 3 executes and it could possibly be one of the best ults in the game. Thanatos can use it to escape, He can use it to run down an enemy, He can use it to execute those tanks that just won't die and he can use it to just engage a target because his follow up is incredible. If you have fought with or against Thanatos's you have probably noticed that they usually have double digit kills and that is no coincidence. Thanatos can easily farm kills and use that to go on and win games.
Loki - So Loki is up here because of how his pick/ban rate, win rate, and the community feels about him. I personally think Loki is a top god right now and I'm not alone on that belief. Loki is able to control the jungle and control the flow of the game because he is so hard to keep in check. His ganks are really good I would say they are on par with Thor's. His stealth allows him to engage or escape freely. Loki can also split push if he needs to. He is able to one shot any squishy in the late game. He is in a really good spot right now and having a Loki on the team is an asset. Loki can also flex to solo, mid, and even carry. Loki in the solo can contest the top picks because he can be so safe to play. His impact from solo into the late game is a nightmare for squishes. He can also be built kind of tanky and still be hard to deal with. Loki in the mid is alright if you have reliable magic damage from another source. Loki in the carry can be good as well just because of how he can be in the late game. Loki is best however when he is in the jungle. Overall Loki is a top jungler for a reason and if you can get him on your team you should.
Osiris - So Osiris really benefits from the current META, recent buffs that he has gotten, and the new item Equinox. He is a lane bully and its really hard to contest him right now. He can also flex to the jungle but playing him solo just feels so much better. He transitions well into the late game also. His ult is really impactful against healing comps (although there isn't a lot of them right now). He is still able to get in the backline and cause problems for the hunters and mages. Eventually the META will shift and Osiris will fall a few tiers but enjoy playing him now because he is in a really great spot.
Bellona - Similar to Osiris Bellona is a product of a META and items that really benefit her. Bellona is really good in lane she can beat everyone except Osiris. Late game her dive potential is really difficult to deal with. Her kit is just great at fighting hunters so you need to focus a lot of resources to stop her. Even then it is difficult to stop Bellona. She can flex to the jungle and crazy enough she can even flex to carry. In the jungle she does well but there are for sure better jungles that can do it better. But if you don't want the other team to pick her taking her for jungle isn't a bad idea. Now for her in the carry it is really niche and I would only do it if you are REALLY comfortable on Bellona. She has the ability to out box hunters so laning phase wouldn't be to bad its more about her impact late game that becomes the issue. Although the best version of Bellona comes from the solo lane.
Thoth - Thoth is the best mage in the game right now. The only other mages I would rank near him are Kukulkan and Janus. Thoth is able to poke from far, he has a really safe dash, he does a lot of damage, and his ult can one shot some targets and even swing a bad fight if used correctly. Thoth is able to fire his abilities through walls so he can be in a really safe spot while also dealing damage. Thoth can be countered by gods/goddesses that dive him so right now the top picks are problematic for Thoth and that might be why some people are more inclined to pick Kukulkan or Janus. However I still believe that Thoth is the best mage in the game right now.
Charon - So the only reason Charon is up here is because I wanted to put at least 1 god/goddess from each role in the top tier to showcase who is the best at each role. I was between Charon, Athena, and Geb for the top spot. I gave it to Charon because I think he just does more than what Athena and Geb can do. His ult is really good and his ability to not die is honestly problematic at times. He is hard to lock down because his dash cannot be body blocked unlike Athena's and Geb's. Charon can also flex to the solo lane and make it work in the right matchup. I gave Charon the top support spot but I would say he only slightly is better than Athena or Geb.
Neith - Same with Charon, Neith is only up here because I wanted 1 god/goddess from each role and I gave Neith the top carry spot. I was debating between Neith, Chronos, Ah Muzen Cab, Hachiman, Anhur and Charybdis. Why I ultimately chose Neith is because she has the highest pick/ban rate out of all the hunters and her win rate is good for how often she is picked. So what makes Neith that good? Well to start itemization really helps her build now that she can focus on being an ability hunter instead of trying to stay with the traditional AA hunter builds that have dominated META's in the past. Neith has received several buffs over the past patches which have slowly brough her to the top. She has a global ult that is really good for utility and just confirming kills or setting up your team. Her escape is really good, she has a really good lockdown ability, and she has good sustain in her kit. All of this really helps Neith fit that top hunter role. Although I gave her the top hunter spot there is strong competition and a case could be made for any of the other hunters in the great tier.
Great Tier
This Tier is for characters that might make it through the ban phase and are really strong picks. Characters in this tier can carry a game by themselves but not as easily as characters in the Best Tier.
Good Tier
This Tier is for characters that usually don't get banned but are still really good picks for the team. These characters can carry a game with some help from the rest of the team.
Above Average Tier
This Tier is for characters with more strengths than weaknesses. Characters in this tier are solid picks if you are comfortable with them and have a team that can help you succeed with them.
Average Tier
This Tier is for characters that have pretty equal strengths and weaknesses. Characters in this tier can do good but can also do bad.
Below Average Tier
This Tier is for characters that have more weaknesses than strengths. Characters in this tier will need some help from there team to be successful. Although with perfect play these characters can still be pretty decent.
Situational/Niche Tier
This Tier is for characters that fit a certain niche or a situational pick that can be really good for the current situation.
Ares - Ares is a really strong pick right now and I would say he is a top 5 support. So why is he in the situational/niche tier? Well Ares struggles against comps that counter his ult and chains really well. A team that is able to cleanse his ult without using beads means that it is almost impossible for Ares to ever pull them. Gods/Goddesses that don't rely on a ton of mobility abilities make his chains less effective because they don't get hindered by the cripple. The chains still do a lot of damage but chaining a Susano or Thor is going to be more effective than chaining Pele or Thanatos for example. Ares can be a great pick because he is good against some of the top gods/goddesses in the current META but first picking Ares is always going to be a risk.
Aphrodite - For a short time Aphrodite was the top god/goddesses in the entire game. After some nerfs to her she has fallen but I still think she is good but only in the right situations. You need to build a team around her if you want to win. the hardest part is figuring out what role you are going to have her play. If you want her mid you will most likely need to have another mage because although she does surprising damage she doesn't really have any burst damage. Also her kit is designed more as a support mage than a damage mage. If you want her support you need to have some other CC coming from your team since she only has a stun and a small knockback. She can keep one of her teammates alive really well but when she needs to try to keep the whole team alive it takes skill and even then she can be countered and made irrelevant. If you want her in solo she is going to struggle greatly because the current META does not favor her at all. She may be able to help late game if she hasn't fallen behind to much but that's a big maybe. Overall in order to have Aphrodite work well on your team you need to plan for an Aphrodite and pick/ban accordingly.
Serqet - Serqet is a very niche pick in this current META. She is able to be effective but I view her more of a counter pick than someone I would pick confidently for the jungle. So what does Serqet counter exactly? Serqet is good at countering healing gods/goddesses as well as gods/goddesses with lots of mobility escapes. Serqets ult is great against gods/goddesses that try to fly away or escape via long distance. Think like Janus ult, Heim 3, Thor ult, Thana ult, and Athena ult to just name a few. Like I said it is very niche but she is able to confirm some of these kills on these slippery gods/goddesses. Other than that I wouldn't pick Serqet unless you are really comfortable on her.
Nox - So Nox support was getting pretty good and becoming a top support pick but after the SPL last year Nox received a nerf and Nox support slowly started to fall off. Nox is a very difficult character to fit on a team because her kit is based on single target damage. The silence is really nice on the 2 but to confirm the damage you need them to stay in it when it explodes. That is why Nox support became popular to begin with. Nox just can't compete with mages in the mid so going support is really where she is most viable. Nox support can still work its just not that great anymore but if you are really comfortable on Nox and you need an AOE silence pick her for support.
Khepri - Khepri is a situational/niche pick because of how his kit is. His ult is really good probably the best support ult on paper but in practice it kind of isn't that great. First off it is straight up countered by executes so picking Khepri early without knowing who you are up against is just asking the other team to pick Achilles, Thanatos or Ao Kuang. Secondly his ult needs to be timed perfectly. If you ult to soon then the person ulted might not die and it just times out. If you wait to ult to long the player will just die. But even if you are able to get the ult off in time the other team can always just follow up because chances are if your team is dying you are losing the fight. Khepri is built as a front liner as well he wants to pull enemies and body block for his allies. His ult makes him have to play passively as he has to watch his teammates health bars at all times. Also him being one of the biggest characters doesn't help him dodge many autos/abilities. Finally if you are playing with a team that has high survivability Khepri isn't really needed as much. With all that being said I still think Khepri can be a top 5 support he just needs to be paired with the right team. Khepri is great with dive gods/goddesses because he can ult them after the dive so if they can go fully after a kill and even if they die its not an issue because Khepri saves them. This is a niche situation but that's hat can make Khepri so viable.
The Morrigan - The Morrigan can always be considered a situational/niche pick because her ult is based on which other gods/goddesses are in the game. The Morrigan's base kit isn't terrible but what really makes her shine is who she can turn into in a team fight. This is really what defines The Morrigan as a character. If there are a lot of good options for her to be then she is easily a top character. If there isn't a good selection then its really a waste to pick her.
Bad Tier
This Tier is for characters that don't preform really well and need a lot of help from the team to be viable. Even with perfect play it can be hard to win with these characters.
Hades - When you think of Hades you think solo lane. You think of Hades dominating lane with sustain and great clear. That has been Hades identity for the past few years now. So what happens when Hades is unable to do that? Well he becomes a liability for his team. Hades just can't be himself and even when he was king of the solo lane he never transitioned well into the late game. Now without being able to compete with AA warriors in the solo lane and being very unviable in the mid Hades becomes just a terrible god overall.
Cupid - So why does cupid struggle when ability hunters became pretty viable over the last few patches? Well it starts with cupids kit. Cupid seems like he is an ability hunter but he really only has his heart bomb and ult that do ability damage. His hearts are good for sustain and he has a great dash but neither of those abilities do damage to enemies. Compared to Neith where her heal hits enemies and her escape does damage why would you ever pick Cupid over Neith? So you just build cupid AA hunter that's the solution right? Well unfortunately AA cupid can't compete with Charybdis or Hachiman or really any other AA hunter. So Cupid is stuck as a hunter that struggles to find an identity.
Kumbhakarna - Khumbhakarna is the worst god in the game by far. He use to be a really good pick and his CC use to be unmatched but that was in like season 3 and 4. Better gods/goddesses have been released since then some of which make his CC look awful in comparison. His ult can be a hinderance for his teammates even when trying to secure a kill sometimes that banish is enough time for the enemies to get there and save their ally. Khumbhakarna's passive is really good and he can almost always survive early game with it but that isn't enough for him to be viable. There are way better picks right now than Khumbhakarna.
Cabrakan - So after all the spicy changes Cabrakan was doing pretty well for a bit. He did get some small nerfs and that was enough for him to fall all the way to the bottom of the tierlist. Cabrakan just doesn't fit as a support. He wants to be an aggressive support but if he is unable to get going early he always ends up so far behind and he can't do anything about it. His CC is ok but a lot of the time its hard for him to set anything up with it because of how predictable it is and how easy it is to counter it. Cabrakan can't even jungle or go solo anymore because he can't keep up with the other characters in those roles. I would say he is better than Khumbhakarna though because at least if he snowballs early he can ride that to a win but that's not usually how a Cabrakan game goes.
Fafnir - Fafnir is presented as one of those high skill floor high skill ceiling characters. The idea is if you are really good with Fafnir then he is one of the best supports in the game. Well that is sort of true but at the same time it isn't. Fafnir relies on his dragon form to be really good and because that ability is on a timer when Fafnir ults his team must fight to get the full benefit from it. As Fafnir you don't want to be ulting after the main fight has started because sometimes that is to late. So if Fafnir ults and then looks for the fight the other team can just stall it out and wait until after its done to engage. With this type of counter play its hard to get the fight just right for Fafnir to contribute. Even in the perfect scenario the team fight isn't a guaranteed win just because of Fafnir being there. Overall there are just better picks available with lower skill floors so why ever try to be great on Fafnir when you could just pick another guardian and get a better result.
Freya - Freya use to be a top pick but after she got some nerfs and some magical items got nerfed she has fallen down the tierlist. I put her in the bad tier because I don't think Freya is very viable in the current META. I think fitting a Freya on your team can be nearly impossible just because you need the situation to be just right. Freya needs to be able to farm to the late game where she can thrive the best. Freya also struggles against dive gods/goddesses especially when her ult is down. This makes her very unfavorable in the current META. Freya just needs to much help to be viable but I will say that if Freya gets to that late game and Freya doesn't have any threats she can hard carry the game however in the current META that won't happen very often if at all.
Worst Tier
This Tier is for the worst characters in the game. These characters hinder your team more than they help it. Having any character in this tier on your team is pretty much an auto loss. There are currently no characters in this Tier.