7 months ago
Patch 9.12

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BirthBySleep - EU


Raijin Raijin

-Totally Broken. Picking gods on this tier would reward you with really high chances of winning.


Pele Pele
Susano Susano
Chernobog Chernobog
Jormungandr Jormungandr
Athena Athena

- Best gods right here, mostly picked or banned (1/2 gods for each role. Altho some maybe not that popular to be picked, they are the best)


Ao Kuang Ao Kuang
He Bo He Bo
Sun Wukong Sun Wukong
Thoth Thoth
Ravana Ravana
King Arthur King Arthur
Thor Thor
Kuzenbo Kuzenbo
Tiamat Tiamat
Morgan Le Fay Morgan Le Fay
Janus Janus
Tyr Tyr
Arachne Arachne

Gods that are really strong and should be taken into consideration if S+ are banned. (some here might be banned as well)


Baba Yaga Baba Yaga
Agni Agni
Kali Kali
Bastet Bastet
Hades Hades
Amaterasu Amaterasu
Bakasura Bakasura
Fenrir Fenrir
Apollo Apollo
Ne Zha Ne Zha
Poseidon Poseidon
Kukulkan Kukulkan
Chronos Chronos
Mercury Mercury
Sol Sol
Thanatos Thanatos
Nu Wa Nu Wa
Geb Geb
Ullr Ullr
Rama Rama
Serqet Serqet
Yemoja Yemoja
Ganesha Ganesha
Ratatoskr Ratatoskr
Khepri Khepri
Chiron Chiron
Jing Wei Jing Wei
Fafnir Fafnir
Terra Terra
The Morrigan The Morrigan
Cernunnos Cernunnos
Hachiman Hachiman
Merlin Merlin
Discordia Discordia
Horus Horus
Heimdallr Heimdallr
Cthulhu Cthulhu
Atlas Atlas
Yu Huang Yu Huang
Ishtar Ishtar
Cliodhna Cliodhna
Medusa Medusa

-Mostly your meta picks. They rarely get ban and usually are good choices with/against any comp.


Ares Ares
Loki Loki
Hun Batz Hun Batz
Ra Ra
Hel Hel
Sobek Sobek
Artemis Artemis
Guan Yu Guan Yu
Anhur Anhur
Cupid Cupid
Freya Freya
Hercules Hercules
Surtr Surtr
Gilgamesh Gilgamesh
Xbalanque Xbalanque
Vulcan Vulcan
Eset Eset
Ah Puch Ah Puch
Zhong Kui Zhong Kui
Scylla Scylla
Olorun Olorun
Kumbhakarna Kumbhakarna
Nemesis Nemesis
Sylvanus Sylvanus
Nox Nox
Hou Yi Hou Yi
Bellona Bellona
Xing Tian Xing Tian
Achilles Achilles
Cabrakan Cabrakan
Skadi Skadi
Izanami Izanami
Camazotz Camazotz
Nike Nike
Da Ji Da Ji
Cu Chulainn Cu Chulainn
Baron Samedi Baron Samedi
Hera Hera
Set Set
Persephone Persephone
Tsukuyomi Tsukuyomi
Danzaburou Danzaburou
Charybdis Charybdis
Shiva Shiva
Lancelot Lancelot
Martichoras Martichoras
Ix Chel Ix Chel
Osiris Osiris
Bacchus Bacchus
Neith Neith

-Some of these gods may have more or less the same potential that S- picks have, but seemes a bit weaker. Some kinda can't be on/against any comp


Odin Odin
Ymir Ymir
Awilix Awilix

Average. These gods are 'balanced', or situational. They may seem to be powerful against some gods of higher tier or at some point of the game, but doesn't mean they are as good as that every single game or during the whole game.


Zeus Zeus
Aphrodite Aphrodite
Chang'e Chang'e
Ah Muzen Cab Ah Muzen Cab
Erlang Shen Erlang Shen
Mulan Mulan
Cerberus Cerberus
Maui Maui

- Not Bad, but not good either. These gods can be picked, but it's risky. Some are not that hard to counter.


Vamana Vamana
Chaac Chaac
Artio Artio

Bad. I don't think these gods should win a single game if you are facing a good enemy team.


Anubis Anubis

- Welcome to the Anubis tier, or worst god in the game


Instaloss (None in Rankeds)

Unranked Champions
4 Champions
Charon Charon
Maman Brigitte Maman Brigitte
Bake Kujira Bake Kujira
Nut Nut