8 months ago
Patch 11.1

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Smity Jones - Unknown

Not Finished


Thor Thor
Susano Susano
Lancelot Lancelot
Ravana Ravana
Hun Batz Hun Batz

The Big 5

Thor-The best jungle in Smite, with little weaknesses, Thor can apply so much pressure through out the course of the game. With a Global Ultimate, Stun, and great overall damage. Thor can easily hyper carry your team by disrupting the backline in team fights with his ult. With the enemy's actives are down, Thor is guaranteed to get a kill with his kit or leave the enemy at low HP. The only weakness Thor has is his high skill ceiling with his ultimate and practicing his combo. Once you learn that, Thor will do great at all stages of the game.

Susanoo- A contender for first place is Susanoo. He slightly falls behind Thor but is still an amazing jungle at all stages of the game. Susanoo is mostly know for his high skill ceiling with auto attack canceling between abilities to max his damage output. His ability to set pre set up engagements with his ultimate make him very crucial in team fights. With low cooldowns, a displacement with his 2, Susanoo can easily set up kills for himself or his team with his outstanding kit. The reason he is not number 1 is the global ultimate Thor has to offer.

Lancelot- Lancelot biggest selling point is his ability to mount his horse on command and give him a huge shield to aid him in fights. The horse is the best part of Lance, give him immunity to most Crowd Control besides Stuns. Lance can easily pick his fights wisely and escape easily with his long distance ultimate the cripples Gods that try to chase him down. In the right hands lance can 1v1 most Gods and leave with good health to spare. Once you master the horse ability to it fullest, Lance is quite the unstoppable Jungle to fight with his hit and run playstyle.

Ravana- Ravana is one of the best designed gods in smite, striking the good balance between diving in and quickly being able to escape situation in which he should of been caught off guard. He is very strong when it comes to locking down one god, with the aid of his ultimate giving him mitigations, Ravana can focus down one god as the rest of the team rushes to aid. At the same time, your will team most likely follow up on the retreating enemies. The reason why I consider Ravana to be a top 5 pick is his 2nd ability that grants him immunity from all sources. This allows Ravana to immune CC that would make him use his relics and continue pouring damage onto an enemy. Ravana will do great at all stages of the game.

Hun Batz- In my opinion, Hun Batz is one of the most underrated Jungles in smite. An odd pick among the bunch the rest of the top 5. He definitely has the weakest early game compared to the rest but once he gets online with 2 items, he begins to shine. The obvious best part about Hun batz is his ultimate, it has so many uses and is one of the best team fight ultimate's in the game. Unfortunately, Hun Batz without his ultimate is fairly weak and can be out damaged by other jungles when he is caught off guard without his ultimate. If you can time an ult perfectly in a team fight, by the next one you will most likely have your ultimate back by then and hit another team fight changing ability. Definitely the weakest out of the 5 here but in my eyes, he can easily carry you through out the mid to hyper late game easily.


Bastet Bastet
Awilix Awilix
Thanatos Thanatos
Kali Kali
Loki Loki

Contenders for the top 5

Bastet- Bastet is the original hit and run Jungle and even till this day she is still quite good. Her ability to provide a lot of poke and her cat being able to body block and block 2 autos, Bastet is able to unleash a lot damage on Gods that are not prepared for her. Bastet is one weakest team fight god in the tier due to her ultimate being single target. Her low cooldowns make her very difficult to chase and lock down. Bastet is your go to easy jungle if you want to snowball but watch out for late as she falls of slightly compared to the rest of the cast of jungles.

Awilix- Awilix is an amazing jungle at all stages of the game, her great mobility in Suku and her unique ability Feather step, allow her to outplay her opponents in most engagement. The best part about Awilix her Ultimate that pulls Gods that are in the air by leap or knock up from her or her team mates. The reason she did not make it to top 5 was her team specific comps, without knock ups from the rest of her team, she can seem very weak. Without being to utilize her ultimate to the fullest, she loses a lot of damage from her kit. She is most seen picked to counter pick certain jungles like Fenrir, Bastet, or other gods that are very leap heavy.

Thanatos- One of the best snow ball gods of all time, Thanatos is able to apply so much pressure in the early to mid game. With his built in pen on an ability and amazing early game scaling, Thanatos is able to get easy ganks off and out lead the opposing jungle. The reason Thanatos is not a top 5 is his late game is not the greatest, sure you can still zero to death someone but there gonna fight back with Thanatos's lack of hard CC. The best you can do is ult onto someone to guarantee a kill but that will most likely leave you vulnerable to being killed on the spot. Only really good at single target and can get shut down by most supports or strong back line gods.

Kali- Kali could of been easily a top 5 Jungle but her only place where she shines is in the late where she able to run at most teams with her ultimate and cause so much chaos. Without a decent to early to mid game, kali can be out farmed and out rotated by other jungle in the tier. Kali Ultimate can also be easily baited out leaving her without at way of surviving if she does not kill her target for full HP. She is still definitely the best auto attacking Jungle by a long shot

Loki- Loki is one of the masted hated gods till this day in smites history. His invis is the most frustrating thing about him but everything thing else is balanced about him. He is great a picking off one target with an ultimate kit combo but after that, he is a sitting duck that can be locked down and killed. Similar to Thanatos. Loki works wells against teams that are not confident enough to fight him and are in constant fear of being one shotted. Sadly, his lack of team fight potential and nothing to crazy going for him, makes a Loki an overall balanced jungle that is weaker than the gods in the top 5



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Nut Nut