5 years ago
Patch 7.3

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The Ice Box - NA-West

Former GM, Current Masters, I had one account in GM last split and 2 smurfs in masters prior. Any questions or clarifications HappySeal#0001. Or https://www.twitch.tv/ruxstable


These gods in Joust are the best possible picks that will win you the game single handily


Sobek Sobek
Yemoja Yemoja
Bacchus Bacchus
Persephone Persephone

These are the top picks in high level games, Either Masters or GM.


Hel Hel
Chang'e Chang'e
He Bo He Bo
Guan Yu Guan Yu
Ne Zha Ne Zha
Ullr Ullr
Achilles Achilles
Medusa Medusa
Terra Terra
Amaterasu Amaterasu
Thoth Thoth
Kuzenbo Kuzenbo
Cu Chulainn Cu Chulainn
Osiris Osiris
Xing Tian Xing Tian

Really strong Picks in ranked joust, Normally picked if the S+ Gods are banned. Has either a higher skill cap with less similar pay off, Or just not as strong. Good in most situations and excel against or with certain team comps.


Scylla Scylla
Raijin Raijin
Hachiman Hachiman
Odin Odin
Zeus Zeus
Hun Batz Hun Batz
Kukulkan Kukulkan
Vamana Vamana
Cabrakan Cabrakan
Anhur Anhur
Vulcan Vulcan
Fenrir Fenrir
Aphrodite Aphrodite
Set Set
Heimdallr Heimdallr
Eset Eset
Hou Yi Hou Yi
Ah Puch Ah Puch
Ganesha Ganesha
Merlin Merlin
Olorun Olorun
Zhong Kui Zhong Kui

Generally good picks, Strong and can provide a lot with the right team comp, These gods either are amazing in certain (Somewhat common) situations or have really strong counters to other really strong picks (Anti-meta)


Kali Kali
Ares Ares
Ra Ra
Agni Agni
Discordia Discordia
Baron Samedi Baron Samedi
Artio Artio
Cerberus Cerberus
Da Ji Da Ji
Neith Neith
Serqet Serqet
Camazotz Camazotz
Poseidon Poseidon
Athena Athena
Chaac Chaac
Ah Muzen Cab Ah Muzen Cab
Khepri Khepri
Chiron Chiron
Skadi Skadi
Izanami Izanami
Susano Susano
Cernunnos Cernunnos
The Morrigan The Morrigan
Jormungandr Jormungandr
Horus Horus
Cupid Cupid
Kumbhakarna Kumbhakarna
Erlang Shen Erlang Shen
Hades Hades

Decent picks, Require either A: a lot of mechanical skill or knowledge, and has a lower payoff than the other higher tiers.


Ymir Ymir
Sylvanus Sylvanus
Bastet Bastet
Thor Thor
Hercules Hercules
Fafnir Fafnir
Nemesis Nemesis
Geb Geb
Apollo Apollo
Xbalanque Xbalanque
Sun Wukong Sun Wukong
Nox Nox
Mulan Mulan
Pele Pele
Tyr Tyr
Chernobog Chernobog
Bellona Bellona
Sol Sol
Ravana Ravana
King Arthur King Arthur
Nu Wa Nu Wa
Hera Hera

Most of these gods aren't great because they lack 2-3 key components to be good in current joust meta.


Anubis Anubis
Artemis Artemis
Bakasura Bakasura
Freya Freya
Rama Rama
Chronos Chronos
Nike Nike
Mercury Mercury
Thanatos Thanatos
Ao Kuang Ao Kuang
Awilix Awilix
Ratatoskr Ratatoskr
Jing Wei Jing Wei
Loki Loki

These gods are not amazing they either A: Fill a really small Niche in which they're good, B: require way to much time to come online, Or C: Requires them to be out of position by a large margin to be relevant without reliable escapes.


Janus Janus

Just not a strong pick, Since it's only Janus, He has a low pay off in the joust map as portals aren't as useful as they are in conq, His main damaging ability isn't reliable DPS compared to other higher up mages, Requires to use his escape for damage secure. Unless ur Coole. Then he SS


Arachne Arachne


Unranked Champions
22 Champions
Baba Yaga Baba Yaga
Cthulhu Cthulhu
Tsukuyomi Tsukuyomi
Danzaburou Danzaburou
Tiamat Tiamat
Gilgamesh Gilgamesh
Morgan Le Fay Morgan Le Fay
Charybdis Charybdis
Cliodhna Cliodhna
Atlas Atlas
Shiva Shiva
Yu Huang Yu Huang
Lancelot Lancelot
Ishtar Ishtar
Maui Maui
Surtr Surtr
Martichoras Martichoras
Ix Chel Ix Chel
Charon Charon
Maman Brigitte Maman Brigitte
Bake Kujira Bake Kujira
Nut Nut