Broken. There is no counterplay if a good player plays them.
Cthulhu: Broken in smite overall rn, same with assaults. Almost always top dmg while having 250 prots, creates insane amount of space. You can say cthulhu gets shredded by an adc with quins in his ult, but every player with brain will engage on you 5v5, so if you focus on cthulhu in ult too much u will just die by his teammates + he will do his 2-4k dmg in tf even if he dies afterall.
Hun Batz: Infinity poke with his 3, impossible to catch him. If you play passive u die under ur tower, if u play agressive u die because his team will just destroy u in his ult.
Disco: Has insane self peel with her 2/3/4, considering how hard she pokes you after 3-4 items. Usually you can kill a good disco only when she wants to back for items. She is higher than thoth/perse cause she doesnt have their disadvantages.
Amc/Medusa/Artemis: All of them have insane poke and you cant do much about that. Amc is super hard to kill cause of his 1 ms + he uses 3 when u are trying to jump/blink on him. So basically if player has a good position on these gods, he is untouchable poke machine. Medusa has broken dmg in caster build, can just spam ult and be happy. Arte ult is op for counter engaging and engaging.
Thoth: Poke machine after 3/4 items, not ss cause he is easier to kill than disco. Got only 1 self peel ability, so if he uses 2 and you are close to him as a warrior, he will do 0 dmg and suffer.
Perse: Below disco and thoth because her seeds are not that good when u are getting pressured and sitting under ur tower. Also in late no one cares about her seeds. Overall, she is still op god with huge ult.
Zhong: Most underrated mage in assaults. Busted from lvl 5 to lvl 20 but no one can play him so he looks bad.
Atlas: For some reason has very high dmg for a tank. Every ability is good.
Cupid: Top 3/4 healer in the game, but for some reason he is in the lowest healer tier+ he does classic adc dmg. If you get him and there is no cupid against you, then you have a massive advantage.
Charon: Hard to kill, good for peel, good for engages, ult gives a lot of space for the team.
Hel: Best healer in the game. Better than yemoja cause she can do damage while yemo is a 2 bot.
Hachi/Ishtar: They give a good pressure cause of theirs 1 + 4. Can bully enemies even if they are playing passive under tower.
Shiva/achilles: Super hard to kill, have a lot of stuff to make space and survive for as long as possible.
Jorm: Can build tank, can build like a mage with a tablet, depends what ur team needs. Both will work.
Ah puch: His poke is not that good as it seems, good players dont get poked by his 1/2 too much, but still he has busted ult for counter engages or just zoning people while u are diving the tower/phoenix.
Xbal: Hard to kill for frontliners. 2 is good self peel ability and u can do 3-7 free aas to a warrior when he is trying to come close to you. Then you got 3/4 as a self peel which makes xbal even more annoying to frontliners.
Ganesha: You just ult enemy backliners to help ur frontliners to kill them, and stay with ur backliners to peel them with 2/3. Pretty good if played correctly.
S/S-/A+ are not completely in order, so dont pay attention on order.
Everyone here is pretty solid, usually you happy if you have them.
Erlang/Osiris/Cabra/Nike/Herc: Good space makers, very hard to kill, also cabra is super underrated for some reason. Nike is also underrated, probably because people overestimate sunder/horrific against her, but her other 3 skills are good + if you get sundered you will do ult dmg anyway.
Tiamat/Merlin: Very good poke in late but in early they are not doing decent dmg at all. Assault game can end in 12-15 mins so you might not even survive for your items.
Nuwa: With tank build S tier, with mage build A/A- tier.
Last 7 healers: All good and doing their job!
Just +- good gods, can carry with them
Manti/Nezha/Sobek: Not gonna be able to poke/nezha ult/sobek pluck normally vs good players. Still possible but hard.
Rat: S- in no heal matchup, A- in heal matchup.
Apollo/Ullr dont have good ults which means they cant give a lot of space for their team. Ullr has axe atleast, which makes him a bit better than apollo.
Loki: A+ if there is no heal matchup, B in heal matchup.
A tier and below are just bad gods for assaults, with them you can only farm bots.
Thor: has good dmg with 2/1 till lvl 15 then he doesnt exist.
Janus: Cant consistently poke with his 2, too easy to dodge when you see him. Ult is pretty easy to dodge aswell since there are no walls.
Ares: His ult getting countered by an absolution which is easy to use in assault. Even without absolution its super hard to pull anyone good. Only A because his 2 gives useful sustain in early game.
Other A gods: Not good aswell. Kali/Nem are A cause they can go tank with quins and do something on their good day.
I just dont know how its possible to struggle vs these gods. They are not that bad but easy to play against.
Aphro is A- because she is in Yemoja/hel tier, when she is not even close to them as a healer
You can do something semi decent with them, but overall they are trash
Just leave if your teammates are not rolling them, almost completely useless in any case
These 3 should be deleted
Bake: Literally a pinata for the enemy team
Merc: Garbage as a tank and as an assassin. Cant do anything useful and no one cares about his ult.
Artio: For some reason considered as a healer. In the same tier as cupid/isis/baron/olorun, when all of them counter her, so u forced to get beads to not feed, which means u cant even engage till lvl 12 with blink, but even after 12 her engages are irrelevant