5 years ago
Patch 6.3
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You've likely heard the term Hyper Carry in the past, mainly referring to a character that, once the later game comes, can single-handedly carry a team to victory. Kali is not just a Hyper Carry, she is THE Hyper Carry. Her early game struggles, not nearly as much as some junglers, but once the midgame arrives Kali becomes a true force to be recommended with. But, once you hit late game, Kali becomes a force of nature.

Leveling Order
Skills Section
Leveling Order
Nimble Strike
Nimble Strike

Lash is your best clearing tool for the early game and the bonus power on Incense is better than the bonus damage on Nimble Strike for chasing down kills and powering down objectives.

Also note that at level 8 you cannot put a 5th point into Lash, do not spend your point at level 8 and hold it until level 9. This will allow you to 5/5 Lash and 2/5 Destruction.

Passive Targets and the Starting Build
Build Section

Before we talk about build options, we most discuss Kali's Passive, Marked for Death. This passive is very unique when compared to other passives in the game. When you load into the game, or die, a target selection UI will appear, allowing you to pick an enemy to mark for death. This is your target. When you kill your target, or get the assist on your target, you will be healed for 80% of your maximum health, 20% if you get the assist, and gain an additional 30% gold for the kill. Unfortunately for your enemy, that isn't all. You also gain a passive penetration against that enemy, 10% plus an additional 1% per level for a max of 30% flat penetration at level 20. That is 2.5 stacks of an Executioner just for being level 20.

Despite this new found protection reduction your target should NOT be the Warriors of the Solo Lane or the Guardians of the Duo Lane, your best choice is the squishy mage in the Mid Lane. This is simply because of how often you have the chance to gank middle lane. Speed, Red, Mid Camps, everything on the map other than the Blue and Purple buffs are slower to mid than any other point on the map. Learn to communicate and coordinate with your Mid Laner, ask if the enemy has used their escape, ask if beads are up, plan your ganks properly and you will be rewarded in kind.

Starting Build



Relics provide special powers available to all gods. Your first Relic is free at Level 1 and your Second Relic is unlocked once you reach Level 12.

Assassin's Blessing

Assassin's Blessing

+7 Power +100 Health +30% Damage vs. Jungle Monsters +8% Health and 25 Mana Restored on Killing a Jungle Monster ROLE QUEST: JUNGLE Kill or Assist Jungle Monsters or Enemy Gods to gain stacks. Jungle Monsters are worth 1 stack and Enemy Gods are worth 5 stacks. At 50 Stacks Assassin's Blessing Evolves, gaining +5 Penetration, and 5% Movement Speed.



Physical Power

Healing Potion

Healing Potion

This consumable heals 250 Health over 25 seconds.

Multi Potion

Multi Potion

This consumable heals 125 Health and 75 Mana over 25 seconds.


This is your starting build as Kali, the only room for negotiation is in your Relic choice. Blink is the far more aggressive option, allowing you to engage on the enemy mid laner at level 2 if they move out of position or use their escape to clear the wave, like Agni using his dash for faster clean. Blink also allows you to, if you're comfortable with the decision, skip your jump at level 2 for your stun. This enables further kill secure at the cost of safety, only do this if you have an understanding of your character and of the match ups, I do not recommend this for newer players.

If you are uncomfortable with Blink and would rather opt for Beads, this is 100% acceptable, but it will change how you play the start of the game. Before level 3 you will need to focus more on farm than on apply pressure, simply because you have less mobility than you would with Blink. With Blink you can teleport onto the target, stun to pop their beads, and then jump to safety, making your next gank that much easier. With Beads, your only gap closer is your jump, which shouldn't be used unless necessary. Aggressively jumping can win an engagement or lose yourself the early game, choose wisely.

As for items, you will need Assassin's Blessing in the Jungle. There is no debate or alternative to this, if you go into the Jungle without Assassin's Blessing you crippling yourself and throwing the game. Mace is a good source of early power and should be picked up first over something like Katana. That bonus damage on your Lash clear will outweigh the slight movement speed increase you get moving from camp to camp.

Potions are debatable. If you aren't spamming your abilities then Mana shouldn't be an issue, so I prefer Health Potion plus Multi Potion to heal for 1.5 times as much during an engagement. The choice is yours though.

Your First Back
Build Section

Simply adding this section to hammer home that you MUST build boots first. Do not finish your mace. Finishing your boots is some of the most cost effective power you can get in the game, as well as increasing your movement speed even further for clearing the Jungle faster. I repeat. Do not neglect your boots.

On another note, do not build Ninja Tabi on Kali. This may seem counter intuitive, considering she is a chain saw character that will later build into Qin's Sais, but we aren't at that point yet. In the early game your Lash will be a large part of your damage to camps and Gods, you just need to trust me on this. Warriors Tabi, not Not Ninja.

Builds Boots First.



Relics provide special powers available to all gods. Your first Relic is free at Level 1 and your Second Relic is unlocked once you reach Level 12.



Physical Power

Warrior Tabi

Warrior Tabi

Physical Power
Movement Speed

Mid Game
Build Section

Once you've finished boots, Warior Tabi for the love of god, you'll want to move onto Crusher. Crusher has everything that Kali loves in an item: Attack Speed, Penetration, Power, and a nice little DoT (Damage over Time) that works to make the bleed on Lash even nastier. Once Crusher is finished you move into Hastened Katana, one of Kali's bread and butter items, to stick to enemies.

When you blink onto a target, make them Beads your stun and blow their Dash, you can leap onto them yourself and stick to them forever. Outside of peel from teammates, there really is nothing than can be done to pull you off of your target once you have Hastened Katana. This is further exacerbated by having Beads as your second Relic. Using Beads along with your Ultimate makes you 100% CC Immune and Death Immune for 2 seconds, with the death immunity carrying on your an additional second and a half.

Thousand Fold Blade is simply added as an illustration of what your next item will be, place holder for Stone Cutting Sword.

Level 12 Build

Assassin's Blessing

Assassin's Blessing

+7 Power +100 Health +30% Damage vs. Jungle Monsters +8% Health and 25 Mana Restored on Killing a Jungle Monster ROLE QUEST: JUNGLE Kill or Assist Jungle Monsters or Enemy Gods to gain stacks. Jungle Monsters are worth 1 stack and Enemy Gods are worth 5 stacks. At 50 Stacks Assassin's Blessing Evolves, gaining +5 Penetration, and 5% Movement Speed.

Warrior Tabi

Warrior Tabi

Physical Power
Movement Speed

Hastened Katana

Hastened Katana

Physical Power
Attack Speed
Movement Speed

PASSIVE - Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack grants Haste for 1s, causing you to be immune from Basic Attack Movement Penalty.

Thousand Fold Blade

Thousand Fold Blade

Physical Power
Movement Speed

Late Game Build
Build Section

Congratulations on reaching the Late Game, you have now become Death, Destroyer of Worlds. Once Stone Cutting Sword, Qin's Sais, and Executioner have been finished, there is very little that can be done to stop you from killing someone. If you catch someone by themselves in the Jungle or pushing up a lane, they are basically dead. Beads their CC and walk them down.

At this stage of the game, Blink should be your primary form of engagement, jumping is far to risky in team fights and should be saved to chase down that kill or disengage. In sieges, let your frontliners engage the enemy first while you flank, once CC and relics have been forced, the enemy Gods are lambs for the slaughter.

The Death God Hungers

The Executioner

The Executioner

Physical Power
Attack Speed

PASSIVE - Basic Attacks against an enemy reduce your target's Physical Protection by 7% for 3 seconds (max. 4 Stacks).

Warrior Tabi

Warrior Tabi

Physical Power
Movement Speed

Hastened Katana

Hastened Katana

Physical Power
Attack Speed
Movement Speed

PASSIVE - Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack grants Haste for 1s, causing you to be immune from Basic Attack Movement Penalty.

Stone Cutting Sword

Stone Cutting Sword

Physical Power
Movement Speed

PASSIVE - Melee Basic Attacks decreases enemy Physical protections by 7, and increase your physical protection by 5 for 3s (max. 2 Stacks).

Qin's Sais

Qin's Sais

Physical Power
Attack Speed

PASSIVE - On Basic Attack hits, deal Physical Damage equal to 1.5% of the target's maximum Health. If the target has over 2250 Health, the bonus damage scales up. This effect reaches a maximum of 6% of the targets Maximum Health at 2750 Health.


Qin's is finished before Executioner simply because you shouldn't be looking to kill Tanks. Just because your target is the Tyr doesn't mean that you need to chase him through the Jungle. Picking off squishes is your job and Qin's just makes it that much quicker.

In place of Executioner, if you're afraid of enemy CC, you can pick up a Magi's Cloak to have a second set of Beads to ensure your escape/enable your killing of a target. The last item we'll be obtaining is Magi's, once boots are sold and potion of speed is purchased, but it never hearts to lose a little damage for increased suitability.

The Ultra Late Game
Build Section

You now have two sets of Beads, an Ultimate that makes in Immune to Death, incredible movement speed and damage, and a passive that restores your health when you kill someone that you choose should die. You shouldn't pick fights 1v5, but in even disadvantageous situations you will find yourself coming out on top. One such example comes from one of my past Kali games:

We were having problems breaking the base due to poor communication and just teammates unwillingness to not dive into enemies by themselves and die. I had recently been picked off in a team fight and was running to a fight happening in the middle lane where my team was trying to hold their own 4v5. They, more or less, lost the fight, but forced Relics and Ultimate out of the enemy, so I saw it as a chance to strike. The game was finished by my Kali killing 4 members of the enemy team, at the cost of my Ultimate, Magi's Cloak, Beads, and Blink, but we rushed the middle Phoenix, toppled it, and won the game. I was able to reset my Health three times in that fight, partially due to luck but also good target coordination. While Kali's Passive does encourage headhunting for newer players, in the late game it provides a compass for who to focus on. Use that compass to lead you to victory.

Super Sayian Death God

The Executioner

The Executioner

Physical Power
Attack Speed

PASSIVE - Basic Attacks against an enemy reduce your target's Physical Protection by 7% for 3 seconds (max. 4 Stacks).

Magi's Cloak

Magi's Cloak

Physical Protection
Magical Protection
Cooldown Reduction

PASSIVE - Protects you from a single hard Crowd Control effect once every 70 seconds. When this occurs, you gain 1s of Crowd Control immunity.

Hastened Katana

Hastened Katana

Physical Power
Attack Speed
Movement Speed

PASSIVE - Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack grants Haste for 1s, causing you to be immune from Basic Attack Movement Penalty.

Stone Cutting Sword

Stone Cutting Sword

Physical Power
Movement Speed

PASSIVE - Melee Basic Attacks decreases enemy Physical protections by 7, and increase your physical protection by 5 for 3s (max. 2 Stacks).

Qin's Sais

Qin's Sais

Physical Power
Attack Speed

PASSIVE - On Basic Attack hits, deal Physical Damage equal to 1.5% of the target's maximum Health. If the target has over 2250 Health, the bonus damage scales up. This effect reaches a maximum of 6% of the targets Maximum Health at 2750 Health.


Just a final note here, do not sell your boots until you have enough gold to purchase an item and the speed potion. Boots sell for 1065 gold, the potion costs 1500 now, and Magi's Cloak costs 2150. This means you cannot return to the base and sell your boots until you have 2585 Gold in hand.

Secondly, do not neglect to level your Relics. The reduced cooldown on Beads makes it less punishing to Beads something that you only have a chance to succeed in, and the 10% damage mitigation on Blink could be the difference between life and death. A auto hitting for 450 instead of 500 could end up saving you.